Thyroid nodule and differentiated thyroid cancer


  • Luis Cimarra
  • Edgardo Berriel



nódulo tiroideo, epidemiología, diagnóstico, clasificación, tiroides, cáncer diferenciado de tiroides, microcarcinoma, bocio multinodular, tratamiento quirúrgico, tratamiento médico


It is difficult to establish a precise definition of a thyroid nodule (TN) since it does not constitute a specific nosological or anatomopathological entity, to the extent that practically any thyroid disease can present in the form of one or more TNs. Assuming that the normal anatomy of the thyroid gland is that of a homogeneous parenchyma, the thyroid nodule can be defined as an "abnormal" and focal anatomical structure, usually round or oval, single or multiple, located in the thyroid gland. The name "thyroid nodule" is therefore necessarily a provisional name until a definitive anatomic-pathological confirmation of the nature of the lesion is obtained. Furthermore, considering the way in which TN is usually diagnosed can be classified as a kind of “temporary clinical-imaging entity” (1,2). The presentation of TNs can be very varied, ranging from the single nodule to no Incidentally discovered palpable by imaging or “incidentaloma”, moving to the palpable single nodule, to the multiple non-palpable and palpable nodules and finally in ascending progression in terms of the number of nodules to the truly multinodular thyroid glands. The extensive and bilateral involvement by nodules may or may not configure a diagnosis of Multinodular Goiter, which will depend fundamentally on the total glandular volume and the presence or absence of autonomy growth in nodules (1)


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How to Cite

Cimarra, L., & Berriel, E. (2014). Thyroid nodule and differentiated thyroid cancer. Relatos De Los Congresos Uruguayos De Cirugía, 1–120.