Acute pancreatitis


  • Ricardo Misa Jalda



pancreatitis aguda, fisiología, tratamiento quirúrgico, etiología, herramientas diagnósticas, predictores de severidad, tratamiento médico, colangiografía endoscópica retrógrada, complicaciones abdominales, colecistectomía, infección pancreática, páncreas


Although more than a century has passed since the description of Acute Pancreatitis as a particular nosological entity, (1) (2) it continues to be a real challenge for the surgeon. It is a common disease, which has a benign course in most cases; However, in 20% of patients the disease is severe, and within this group, mortality is also around 20%. (3) (4) (5)
Gullo, in a multicenter review in 5 European countries, (Germany, Italy, Greece, Hungary and France) found an overall mortality of 7.8% that rises to 16% in patients with extensive pancreatic necrosis. (6)
These mortality figures rise as we select groups of more seriously ill patients: Bumbasirevic indicates a mortality rate of 53.6% in a group of 117 patients with severe acute pancreatitis who presented severe Multiple Organ Dysfunction. (7) The incidence of the Acute pancreatitis has increased, (8) (9) (10) (11) and although the figures vary in the different works, the average is 16 / 100,000 inhabitants. Yadav, (12) attributes this increase in incidence, on the one hand, to the increase in pancreatitis of biliary origin, and on the other hand, to a more accurate diagnosis, derived from better knowledge of the pathology, and advances in Imaging.
The high morbidity and mortality of the severe forms (which has not had significant changes in recent years) means that Acute Pancreatitis continues to be an important health problem.
This health problem is also important for the mild form of the disease, due to the social and economic cost involved in managing it. In 2003, there were 226,000 admissions for Acute Pancreatitis in the United States, with a direct cost of hospitalization of more than 2 billion dollars. ...


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pancreatitis aguda



How to Cite

Misa Jalda, R. . (2010). Acute pancreatitis . Relatos De Los Congresos Uruguayos De Cirugía.